Shopping tips

Note: Other print sizes that are not listed, may be available. Please contact me for customized print sizing.

Buying Photos

1.) Click on the photo you want to order. It willhe right. open in a single page with a drop down menu on the right.

2.) Choose the items you wish to order by clicking on the + icon to add the selection to the shopping cart.


3.) When you've finished placing all of your items in the shopping cart, visit the shopping cart to check cropping and quantities.

4.) In the shopping cart, click on the image Icon on the left side of the line item. It will open in a new window. Here you will crop as necessary and update your quantities. (You can also update the quantities in the shopping cart.

5.) Move onto check out, or return to the gallery to finish shopping.


Important - It's possible that any one of your pictures may need some custom cropping. Make sure you check all of your pictures for the fit you want.


Print tip -
For best results check out the "best fit" recommendations when choosing prints.
The "best fit" option will normally produce a full framed image, as opposed to cropping some of the image out.




Feel free to contact me with any questions.